8 ottobre 2008

Joshua Petker

Dopo una giornata snervante con un professore che risucchia la forza vitale degli studenti, non ho voglia di fare niente. Nemmeno di parlare di Johua Petker, che con i suoi colori mi ha tratto in salvo da una serata grigia grigia grigia. Quindi incollo la presentazione che c'è sul suo sito:

"I used to say I was born in the wrong century. The way overly dramatic kids claim to be old souls living in the present day, I was convinced I was secretly an impressionist painter, meant more for turn of the century's demi-monde opulence rather than today's world of animators, illustrators, and monster movie artists. I didn't go to art school. I don't know all the proper techniques. I learned colour theory by doing graffiti, but the story of the graffiti-artist-turned-fine-art-painter has been played out since the mid-'80s. My own life seemed to be working against me. I was convinced I should have been born in 1850.

Then I realized that I was approaching everything wrong. I live in Hollywood, this century's den of inequity and excess. I have eccentric colourful friends that rival the models of Degas and Renoir, I spend nights at Los Angeles bars that could rival those painted by Monet, and as this is 2007 I have access to neon pink and hot orange that I imagine even Van Gogh wouldn't know how to utilize. I am a contemporary painter interested in historic themes. There isn't anything wrong with that. I don't have any art school loans to pay back. I primarily paint women because I'm tremendously influenced by Klimt - and really focused on beauty."

- Juxtapoz Magazine, October 2007

3 commenti:

Jacopo ha detto...

Forza e coraggio amico mio e grazie come sempre dei tuoi attimi articoli culturali!

No farti assorbire da despoti intellettuali! Combatti il sistema! EUH!

a presto.

nuovamusica ha detto...

Ciao, è da un bel po' che non scrivi più...che succede? Tutto bene?

fede ha detto...

è vero, è molto che non scrivo...
Ho perso un po' lo slancio... sono in un periodo troppo pieno... spero di riprendere appena sarò più libero...

Ciao, grazie!